How to make a free blog

Welcome to the world of bloggers, you are here to show your curiosity to know, it's a good sign, I will try to answer the questions coming to your mind right now in this blog.

What is a blog?

The blog can be described as an online media to express yourself in ways of articles, photographs or videos, it's the way you can help others to solve their problems or queries, it's a creation of your imagination, and it's a mixture of art & science the art of your skill of content writing, your way of presentation & science of technology of building of software, SEO & others factors to expands your dreams.

Why make a blog? 

When I started blogging my main aim was to earn money. I came to know that bloggers are making millions of Dollars. 

Gradually I understand that apart from earning money it has given me pleasure & satisfaction by helping others by sharing my knowledge which may be helpful to genuine visitors who really want to know.

Sharing is caring 

I hope you might have much to share maybe your experiences of life, your technical skills, maybe your knowledge of any subject. 

Don't wait, just make a blog & share.

In the old days, your identification is your ID card, driving license, passport e.t.c but in the new world of the internet, your ID is your website(blog) & Gmail A/C.

Develop your presence online, to boost your identification, your business may be a small shop, but your website will help you to develop more customers with almost free efforts.

What is the difference between a website and a blog?

The website is static, once you make it not necessary to update regularly, it's helpful for businessmen, beauty parlours, the shop owners. 

For example, if you are an advertising agency and might be known in your area but if you make your website you can get the work from anywhere in the world. R creatives are one example. 

The blog is an article, regarding your business, your thoughts, your motto or anything you know & want to share online. 

The bunch of articles or posts, landing pages, and your contact and product or services information is a Website.

A blog can be a website or a part of a big site but a website is not a blog.

Blog posts & pages are to be added regularly to engage viewers to repeatedly visit your website. Many big companies understood the importance of a blog & added a section of a blog on their websites.   

How to Make a Business Website?

If you want to make a  free static website only below is the step-by-step guide by which you can make it easier.

1 Create your Google A/C  

2 Search Google my business on Google

3 Click the "Start Now" button

4 Add the name of your business & its location if you don't want to share your location say no.

5 Where you want to serve your customer add areas like India, the USA, or a city name.

6 Choose a category like a florist.

7 Mention by which way your customers should contact you like on the phone, or on your website, if you don't have a website, Google helps you create this website based on the information you have given.

8 Select the way you want to do your business if you want to deliver a product/service to your customers or want to sell in your own store.  

9 Verify your location, you can verify by postcard, email, by phone or instant verification( if you have verified business on Google search console).

10 You can also choose to verify later but Google will not allow a new customer to find you on Google, create a promotional post, or respond to customer's reviews hence it is always better to verify the location.

11 Complete your listing like add hours, add contact information, a small description of your business, add logo & photos

Cheers, your website is ready, promote it by link & gain business.

You can visit my Website FUN FUNDS for reference.

Where to make a free blog?

1 You can keep on posting a post on your business website but it had certain limitations here you can only post related to your business.

2 You can make a free blog on social media like Tumblr.   

3 is one of the best blog publishing services which allows you to post a free blog. The free hosting is been done by Google with a sub-domain of

It also provides the chance to monetize your blog with Google Adsense.  is the other good site where you can publish your free blog with the sub-domain of & free hosting is been done by WordPress. 

If you want to monetize your blog you have to upgrade & choose a plan. 

WordPress software is the best with lots of plugins, tools, templates(provided you pay for it) & much more which is the first choice of professional bloggers. 

How to make a free blog on Blogger?

1 Go to

landing page of blogger

2 Sign in to blogger by your Google A/C

Sign in Google account for blogger

3 Name by which you wanted to be recognized, it may be different from your original name or the same name.

Select domain name

4 Now you are ready to create a blog click the red button mentioning create a blog.
Create a blog

5 A pop-up will open below

Add tittle name of your blog

(a) Give the title name of your blog depending upon which subject you want to write. 

Suppose you want to make a blog on music, you may give a catchy name like Music Mania. 

(b) In the address, the column checks the availability of words matching your titles like"musicmania" which will be your domain name or you can add the domain name which you have purchased.

Please keep in mind that the name should be related to the topic of your blog & people might be searching for it for the solution to their questions to get direct traffic to your blog by search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

(c) Select a template of the theme of your blog from the pics shown downward in the popup. 

Go through the description of the theme to know more about the theme property. 

For example, if you want to write about a journey travel theme might be good for you.

6 Now you are ready to create a post 

Create a post

Along with you I also created a new blog named Filmi views by domain name, soon you will listen to some film news on this blog.

Anyway, now is the time to create the post, your first post is your home page or an introductory page, create this page as your landing page which should be attractive, and informative. 

Create curiosity for viewers so that they should visit your site again and again for more and more content.

Similarly, you can create a blog on WordPress by signup WordPress. All other steps are almost the same as above.

Before starting posting know 

In the left-hand corner, you will see the following menu. 

Know the ways to use it.

1 Post: I recommend only one post which is your introductory post. Although you may create as many posts as you want by clicking a new post. 

2 Stats: By this, you can see how many viewers are coming in a day, month or year to your blog, from where they are coming like search engines, by your referral link, from your post on social media & from which country. 

3 Comment: In this section, if anybody comments on your blog you can find out. 

4 Earning: Most important-- hahaha-- here you can apply to Google Adsense for putting an advertisement on your blog to start getting income from your blog. I will also suggest at least writing 10-20 unique pages before applying to Google Adsense. 

Know more about How to Monetize Blog 

5 Pages: Here you can add your pages by clicking the new page.

6 Layout: In this section, you can arrange your advertising banner from Google Adsense and your other affiliate programs along with the logo of your blog, your profile(if you want to show it), pages & much more by clicking on adding a gadget.

add a gadget of logo, pages & adv.

Know more about  

7 Theme: You can customize your theme or change the theme in this section.

8 Setting: Don't disturb much more settings until & unless you are capable of doing it.

I'm sure by now you are ready to create a blog & express yourself. 

Blogging is easy if you take it as fun, & a little bit hard if you want to make it a profession then I will advise you to get a plan from a hosting site like Miles Web, where you can get Hosting with a lifetime free Domain in just 40/- Rs or $0.90 /MO.

Enjoy Expressing 
Enjoy Earning Blogging

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